Friday, August 22, 2008

Memory Game

I thought this little memory game is kind of fun. I like trying to think of little memories I have had with people.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory you have of me or of us together (If I have been horrible, please disregard this part of the exercise). It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people have a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses.

P.S. This memory can include any or all of the members of my family (Jason, Lenore, Joshua, or Jacob).


Jamie said...

Ummm..lets see! You and Jason have always been so nice to Jon and I. (especially when we were first married). You guys are a great family!!!!

BTW, your blog looks great, it is so fun to mix it up, I change mine all the time:).

Janna said...

I don't EVEN know where I would begin! Let's see, I met you in Middle School, played volleyball with you in High School and we went to Snow College as roommates and spent two years experiencing the highs and lows of college life together! No one thought we would make it out as friends and we so did!! Seriously - I can't even begin - but to just say that my life was blessed by having a friend like you!! I was glad we got to spend some time getting to know Jason before you got married and we have fond memories of that time and your wedding! I love blogs and am so glad I can catch up on your life!

Anonymous said...

Jason, you will ALWAYS be remembered for being such a good friend to me at POST. Jason sat next to me for about 2-3 weeks. The second day of class when I passed out you gave me your jacket to keep from freezing! What was the best is that you were a 'Normal', non-20 something person who was fun to be around and talk with. Lenore, you are a beautiful person. Jason spoke about you all with such love.

You guys have excellent personal qualities that you've passed to your kids. Thanks for that, and jason, thanks for being such a good husband and dad to your family. I can't say enough about your boys. I've only met them once, but they were so sweet and left a very lasting impression. Lenore and Jason, you've taught them well; they are you guys, just smaller. :)