Friday, August 22, 2008

Whoa nelley....

So, last Tuesday I went for my interview for the UDC job I applied for (EMT-I/Corrections Officer). It started out with a 2 hour written test that asked math, spelling, grammar, and other great and inspirational questions. Then after passing that, I had an oral interview with the head nurse, doctor and supervisor that is over all of medical. Then after passing that I had to do 6 push-ups (the boy ones) and 20 sit-ups in 1 min. followed by a 1.5 mile run. The temp. outside during the run was only 98 degress :(, but I made it in 12 min. 25 sec. which was a passing time (had to do it under 18 min). Now it is off to meet with the phsycologist (does this have a spell check, I stink-ola at spelling) and have a polygraph test. Yeah for me....I'll let you know in a couple of weeks.

By the way, hope you are having fun at your scout overnighter Josh, I love you. xoxo


Jamie said...

Good for you girl!!!!

Jamie said...

I meant to tell you: Jon also has a F.D. blog. Check it you:

Jamie said...

meant to say check it out, not check it you..duh!

Janna said...

Sounds like things went well! Good Luck!